I'd love you to get involved and help with my campaigning. If you’d like to do so, please contact me at info@stephenbates.org.uk. Below are some ways of helping me which you might like to consider:
Firstly – with your support:
Most importantly, you can help me by voting Conservative!
And also by spreading news about me, this site and my mission
- And please also do follow me on Twitter: @votebates or Instagram: votebates
Secondly – with your physical help:
You can help hugely by agreeing to deliver some leaflets in your area
Or by putting up a poster in your garden, window or car during elections
Or by attending political events
Or even simply by offering me and my team a cup of tea on our travels!
Thirdly – where appropriate, you may be able to help financially:
That can be anything from a small individual donation, right up to sponsoring my events
Please note: anything donations must be from an appropriate source and given in accordance with the law